Monday, March 21, 2016

White Corn Project Farmers

So after the soil heath training we had our first meeting as project farmers.

Laura gave us the update of the project, our duties, and where we will be planting this year and next year. We each got a binder of the project and I also bought the CDs of seed songs that we will be playing in our gardens as we tend to them.

There was still a great crowd of white corn growers from our area after all the family gardeners left.

Princess Lea updated us on other sources for seeds and opportunities out east. 

Ola•ná made by Laura with their white corn from last season. 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

White Corn and Soil Health Presentation

Our first gathering as Project Farmers. It was an awesome event and the food was good!

There was a huge group of people that showed up.  I was surprised. I thought maybe 12 or so people would be there but there had to be at least 30!

People arriving , signing in,  and visiting.

All three walls and tables were filled!

Valerire Dantoin, a Sustainable Food & Ag Instructor at NWTC, came and did the presentation on her own time. So thankful for her and sharing her knowledge with us. 

One of the biggest things I learned was fish emulsion and fish meal are some of the highest ways to get nitrogen in the soil while still staying organic. There are other cheaper ways, but not organic, but are they really cheaper if you think about it... 
Also that she spends mother's day putting compost on her fields. So good to remember and easy to remember that way!
I think also she explained GMOs better than any other way I ever heard it. I video recorded her presentation and will be uploading it on YouTube.  I'll share the link after it has been edited.