Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Pouring & Transferring Activity

Today I got these measuring cups at the store on clearance. They were only a $1 each and I know we will be getting a lot of use from them.

Lalʌnahawi will be learning how to grasping a handle and pouring water will help him develop fine motor control. These simple activities isolate single skills he will later need.

We want to add more Montessori activities in  Lalʌnahawi daily routine. It is one way to with these cups.

 I filled them both with a little bit of water, maybe a fourth full and I gave him no instructions. He began to start with the pink into the green.

He then grabbed the now full green cup and then filled the pink one back up.

He did this for quite a while. I was impressed.

No spills either!

Next time we are going to try it with rice! :)