Friday, February 22, 2019

Visiting Minnesota Historical Society

What an amazing adventure! On February 16, 2019, I was very lucky to be able to visit the Minnesota Historical Society for the Native American Artist-in-Residence’s Gathering of Native Artists. I brought my sister who is also an artist to share the experience. Our mother came also, she works for the Oneida Community Library. She was very excited to view their collection and visit the Society.

I got to meet Ben and Rita from the Historical Society which was a pleasure! I think what was the most beneficial part of the visit was getting to talk with a previous Artist-in-Residence, Holly Young. She shared her experiences as being a NAAIR recipient and also gave us tips on application.

The second best part was getting to visit the collection. THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! I so hope to visit again when the weather is nicer and to get more time on viewing pieces.

I wanted to share some pictures of one of my favorite piece I saw that day. Surprising it wasn't a raised beadwork piece. The pictures look a little yellow and that is great because they special lighting that helps with protecting the pieces from light damage. I like this piece because of the beads used. I have never seen anything like it before. There is a metallic pink bead and I have never seen that before. 

I'm hope to create a piece of beadwork that is inspired by this bandolier bag.