I got to meet Ben and Rita from the Historical Society which was a pleasure! I think what was the most beneficial part of the visit was getting to talk with a previous Artist-in-Residence, Holly Young. She shared her experiences as being a NAAIR recipient and also gave us tips on application.
The second best part was getting to visit the collection. THAT WAS AMAZING!!!! I so hope to visit again when the weather is nicer and to get more time on viewing pieces.
I wanted to share some pictures of one of my favorite piece I saw that day. Surprising it wasn't a raised beadwork piece. The pictures look a little yellow and that is great because they special lighting that helps with protecting the pieces from light damage. I like this piece because of the beads used. I have never seen anything like it before. There is a metallic pink bead and I have never seen that before.
I'm hope to create a piece of beadwork that is inspired by this bandolier bag.